Woolich Racing provides hardware and software solutions for writing tune files to ECUs. Every ECU has a unique part number which is how we identify them and tell the difference between various ECUs. It is critical that the file written to the ECU exactly matches the ECU part number, writing a file intended for a different part number to the ECU could damage it permanently.
If you have tuned a bike and would like to reuse the maps contained in the bin file on a different model, it is possible to do this using the
Woolich Racing Tuned software as described below. Please note that you must ensure that any maps copied to a different ECU part number are compatible with that bike. Woolich Racing takes no responsibility for potential damage resulting from writing incompatible maps to an ECU.
How to copy maps from one ECU to another:
If you have a tuned file with a different ECU part number, you can copy the mapping and settings to another part number in the
Woolich Racing Tuned software.
This will allow you to use one tuned file for many different part numbers, as in the case of a mail-in flashing service. Alternatively you can move your tuned maps to a new part number, or a new bin file of the same part number.
This can be useful if your ECU has been recalled, and you now have a new ECU part number, and you want to write it with your existing tuned file.
There are two methods for completing this, they are described in detail below and also shown video tutorials by clicking on the title for either method.
- You can copy the maps/settings across by opening two instances of the software, and opening your existing tuned file in one, and the NEW Part Number in the second.
- Copy the Map Unification settings (Click on 'Configuration') to the new part number, to match your original tuned file’s settings.
- Open the same map in both bin files one by one, and copy across all of your values. Just click any cell in the tuned map, and press CTRL+A (select all), then press CTRL+C (copy). Then in the new part number, click into the top-left cell of the same map, and press CTRL+V (paste).
- Do this for each map you have adjusted, then save the new file to your PC.
- Close the WRT software and restart, so you only have 1 WRT running, and write it to the updated ECU.
- To use the Compare function, Open the new bin file in the software, and then click File menu > Open Compare File, and select your tuned file
- Select the first map that you would like to change and select the '% Trim' or 'Value Trim' tab, this shows the difference between the two files.
- Change all the % Trim/Value Trim values to - this means the values will be the same as for the Compare File opened earlier.
- This means you are changing the new Bin File maps to be 0% different from the tuned file maps, so you are effectively changing the new bin file to match the tuned 'Compare' bin file.
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