Support Center Items |
Introduction to Woolich Racing Tuned (WRT) Software |
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User Guides & Installation Manuals |
Here at Woolich Racing we have invested heavily in the development of our software and hardware to allow you to get the best performance from your motorcycle. Our business has been built on providing the tools needed by tuners to achieve performance capabilities far exceeding those offered by the manufacturers. We strive to remain competitive by offering unique products, outstanding customer support and many other features that differentiate us from our competition.
In the interests of continuing to offer our products and services at competitive prices we have a policy of sharing all relevant installation and user manuals with our users. For this reason ?User Guides are freely available to you after you have purchased the Bin File Definition for a particular bike on your account. If you purchase bin file definitions for several different bikes, you will find the relevant installation manuals and user guides here.
We also have a wealth of video tutorials that cover the WRT software in a lot of detail, these are highlighted in this short video: NOTE: User guides do not contain comprehensive explanations on how to tune, or what Other Maps do for specific bikes. Our RaceTools guides and AutoTune guides will show you how each of the parameters is used, and our recommended processes for tuning these features.
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Woolich Racing YouTube Channel |
Woolich Racing has many video guides available on the Woolich Racing YouTube channel. The video guides include technical guides on how to use the different features in the software, purchasing and product guides, and various troubleshooting videos. Some of the videos on our channel will be used in this Foundations Course.
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Using Support Center and Support Tickets |
Woolich Racing offers free Customer Support, and can be accessed on our website, at
The Support Tickets system uses a separate login to your Woolich Racing login. So, if you have not created a Support Ticket account, try making one now. If possible, please use the same email address as you use with Woolich Racing Tuned account. This is what it will look like when you go to our support site: 
1. First, click the ‘Sign In’ button at the top right. 2. Then click on ‘Create an account’ button to create a new account. If you already have an account, then you can skip straight to step 6 below. 3. Next enter your email address, enter your name in the ‘Full Name’ box. You can enter your shop name at the end of your full name if you wish. 4. Select your country, which will help us to direct sales enquiries to the correct distributor. 5. Enter your password, make sure to remember or write it down, and then click ‘Register’. 
6. Once you have signed in, you will be taken to the ‘Open Tickets’ page, where you can see tickets that our technicians have not yet responded to. 7. To open a ticket, click the 'Open a New Ticket button. 
8. You will be taken to the New Ticket page. Make sure to select the Help Topic. 
9. Then fill out the Issue Summary, and then put more details in the box below. You can also upload additional files here. 
10. To see tickets that have been responded to, or closed, click the ‘Closed’ button on the upper right side. Tickets marked 'Closed' or 'Resolved' have been completed. Tickets marked 'Answered' have been answered by us, and are waiting for your reply. An email notification will be sent when we reply to your ticket. You can respond to the ticket by replying to the email notification or via the ticket system. Our reply to the ticket can be found in the 'Open' section. 
11. Click on the ticket, to view the ticket and add a reply. This will automatically re-open the ticket, and notify our Support Team that it is waiting in the queue to be answered. When we reply you also will receive an email notification You can also reply to the ticket by replying to the email notification which will also automatically appear in the ticket system. - DO NOT CREATE A NEW EMAIL TO REPLY TO AN EXISTING TICKET AS THIS WILL OPEN UP A BRAND-NEW TICKET.
- OPEN A NEW TICKET FOR A NEW ISSUE: replying to an old ticket with a new issue will make it harder for us to respond to your ticket.
Please provide as much information as you can, including ECU part number, the interface used, the type of harness used, screenshots of any errors you receive, and pictures that you can attach to your tickets. This will help us solve your problem as quickly as possible and our technicians will strive to provide you with quality support. Please remember to keep things respectful and we will respond to your ticket as soon as we can. This YouTube video also highlights Using Support Center and Support Tickets.
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Overview of the WRT software - Video Tutorial *RECOMMENDED VIEWING* |
This video provides an overview of the Woolich Racing Tuned software which can be used to tune your bike and get the best performance out of it. It shows in simple steps how it can be used to to edit various maps and settings including Fuel maps, Ignition maps, and RPM limiters among others before finally writing the new settings to your ECU.
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Identifying the Correct Part Number for Your ECU |
The ECU part number is used by the WRT software to ensure that only compatible bin files are written to that ECU. Sometimes we do not know the ECU part number but there are several methods of finding this out.
Some ECUs have the part number written on the outside of the casing, this is useful if you are able to visually inspect the unit.
Keihin ECU showing part number on label (38770-MKP-AP2)
If you can't find the part number written on the ECU but know the year and model of a bike, you can connect to the ECU using the WRT software. To do this first you need to open a new bin file for the same model and year and select one of the existing ECU part numbers from the list. Don't worry if it is not identical to your ECU part number, this will be read in the next step.
First click on the 'New' button to open the Model Selector: In the 'Model Selector' window select your specific model (In this case a 2022 Honda CBR500R), select one of the ECU part numbers (here we have selected 38770-MKP-A01) and click on the 'New' button.
and use Tools > Read Part number and Serial Number.
When the software identifies the part number, click ‘Yes’ and the software will open up that part number for you.
If this is the first time writing to a particular ECU, your PC will need to be connected to the internet for the key to be registered. After an ECU has already been flashed, you do not need to be connected to the internet to flash it.
You can find the part numbers by using the search bar in the 'New' bin files section. This search will work no matter which part of the part number you begin with, so you can also begin by typing the second part of the part number.
The following video provides an overview of both of these methods:
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Opening Bin File Definitions - Video Tutorial |
This short video demonstrates how to open a new bin file in the Woolich Racing Tuned software. It also
shows the process of purchasing a bin file definition from the Woolich Racing website.
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Harness Installation (On Bike Harness) |
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How to Write ECU using On Bike Harness |
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How to Write ECU with Bench Harness |
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Wiring up 12v Power Supply for Bench Harness |
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Diagnosing "Write ECU" and Harness Installation Errors |
If you are experiencing issues with reading or writing to your ECU, please watch this troubleshooting video and refer to the detailed information below.
The most common reasons the write process is interrupted are: - Harness Connection/Installation issue:
- Check the Installation Guide and double check each step of the install.
- Check you have fitted any extension harness correctly to the ECU plug.
- Check all the wires are firmly locked into the ECU plug, and are not loose.
- Check your diagnostic plug is clean, and making good contact (if used)
- Low or Loss of Power to the ECU:
- Battery power should be 12.8v or more.
- Run/Stop switch must be in the RUN position.
- Check for a loose connection between the Interface and the ECU
- Do not move the interface/harness during flashing (aka loose connection)
- Connect a battery charger at the same time, (So the battery does not drain while flashing)
- Check you are switching the Ignition key on/off at the right time. (follow software prompts)
- Computer interrupted the write process:
- PC should be checked that all updates are installed, and has been restarted.
- Check the PC is not busy doing background tasks
- Check your PC is powerful enough to keep up with the ECU write speed (Minimum Dual Core 2.4Ghz, 4 Gig Ram. Recommended i5 with 8 Gig Ram)
- Check your USB port is not worn out (try another USB port)
- Use the supplied USB cable. Do not use a long cable.
- Check your PC Battery is fully charged if using a Laptop.
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Woolich Racing AutoTune Live - Tutorial |
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Bin File Configuration (Map Unification) in WRT |
The Fuel and Ignition maps in the ECU allow you to edit down to the Individual Cylinder Maps. There can also be Group Maps which provide other groupings of Fuel and Ignition Maps e.g. Gear Groups or Upper and Lower Injectors. When editing maps and/or using the Woolich Racing AutoTune it is much easier to work with a unified set of maps. This allows you to edit one map and the changes are applied to all of the associated maps.
If you unify Fuel Cylinder maps, when you edit the Fuel Maps you will only need to change one Fuel Map and the changes will be applied to all of the cylinder maps. You can configure Fuel and Ignition map unification settings in the "Bin File Configuration" screen shown below. You can gain access to this screen by clicking on the "Configuration" button on the main screen in WRT.

'Bin File Configuration' window showing Fuel/Ignition Map Unification settings
Unifying and 'Maintain cylinder offset' presents you with one map to change, and the software handles the differences between the individual cylinders automatically. If the factory setup is for each cylinder to get a different amount of fuel, then the software will handle all those differences in the background, and you just need to change one map. Unifying and setting it to a particular cylinder, also presents you with one map to change, but will make all cylinders use that same cylinder's map. Any changes are applied across all cylinders evenly, with the same values (same map for all cylinders). This video shows you how to use the Bin File Configuration section of the Woolich Racing Tuned software to unify fuel and ignition maps for easier editing.
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Woolich Racing Engine Data and Data Viewer Guide |
Woolich Racing Tuned software allows viewing of live engine data which is particularly useful for diagnosing issues especially with the bike on a dyno. The Engine Data screen shows data in real time on the screen but it is also possible to log this data to a file using 'Data Viewer - Live' which can initially be viewed as a graph and then saved allowing it to be reviewed later. The parameters shown on screen in 'Data Viewer - Live' can be customized depending on what you want to see and the capabilities of the particular ECU/bike.
In the videos below we will guide you on how to use and configure the Engine Data, and Data Viewer in the WRT software.
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Zeitronix Wideband O2 Installation |
A Wideband ozygen (O2) Sensor (and Controller) are used to measure Air-Fuel Ratio (AFR) of your engine which allows you to tune the Fuel Maps in your ECU using AutoTune in the Woolich Racing Tuned software.
Modern engines measure the amount of oxygen (O2) in the exhaust gas coming out of the engine, this information is then used to calculate the Air-Fuel Ratio (AFR) which the ECU then uses to control the amount of fuel delivered to the cylinders. Most bikes have a Narrowband O2 sensor installed from factory which only has a limited range of AFR readings (about 14-15 AFR), this is only really applicable to cruising conditions and does not allow users to tune their engine to achieve more performance etc.
Wideband oxygen (O2) sensosr allows measurement of AFR in the range of about 10-20 which covers the entire operating range of a conventional engine. Wideband sensors are then a valuable tool for tuning fuel maps to achieve a specific goal (eg. better fuel efficiency, lower emissions or more power).
Woolich Racing sells Zeitronix Wideband Sensor kits to allow these to replace the Narrowband sensors on many bikes, which allows the full advantages of the AFR and Autotune capabilities to be realised.
This video details how to install it a Wideband O2 Sensor onto your bike.
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Settings available in the WRT software - Video Tutorial |
This video demonstrates the various functions available within the Settings of the Woolich Racing Tuned
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The File menu in the WRT software - Video Tutorial |
This video explains the options available on the File Menu in the Woolich Racing Tuned (WRT) software.
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Account menu in the WRT software - Video Tutorial |
This video explains the various functions of the Account Menu in the Woolich Racing Tuned software.
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Editing Fuel Maps - IAP & TPS - Video Tutorial |
This video explains the various ways that you can edit fuel maps in the Woolich Racing Tuned software, it
also covers some of the various maps that are available in the bin files.
What's the difference between IAP and TPS Fuel Maps?
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Editing Ignition Maps - Video Tutorial |
This video explains the various ways that you can edit ignition maps in the Woolich Racing Tuned (WRT) software.
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How to compare bin files and copy maps |
In the WRT software we have a feature that allows you to directly compare the maps in two different bin files, as long as they are for the same model.
The differences can be simply shown as a number (ie. 0 = no change) or as a percentage (eg. +5% means an increase of 5 percent). This makes it easy to compare between different tune files but can also be used to copy maps from one bin file to another.
This video explains how this feature can also be used to copy values from the 'Compare' file to the file that is currently open in the software. Please watch the video below to learn more about this feature.
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Reading an ECU with a v1 or v2 interface - includes instructions and Video Tutorial |
The Woolich Racing Tuned (WRT) software and associated hardware allows you to read/write to most motorcycle ECUs and thereby to modify the bike's tuning. The communication with the ECU uses the Woolich Racing Tuned software running on a PC or laptop as well as a communication interface such as a Log Box or USB interface. There have been several interfaces developed over the last years and at the time of writing the current version is v3.
This article shows how to use the legacy v1 and v2 interfaces to read an ECU so is NOT applicable to v3 interfaces. If you want to read an ECU with a v3 interface please see this article instead: The following steps are a description of how to read an ECU using the Woolich Racing Tuned software and a v1/v2 interface. The video below also shows this process so you can choose to read or watch the video:
Install Harness according to the Installation Instructions.
Connect the Interface to the harness.
Connect the Interface to the computer with the supplied USB cable. Please note that we recommend using a high-speed USB port.
Ensure Interface is in ECU flashing mode
- Switch in the right-hand position, red LED on
Open Woolich Racing Tuned software
Open the bin file definition for your model
- Click the "New" button then select the manufacturer, model, year and part number and click on "New"
Turn the bike ignition on, gear in Neutral, Kill Switch in the RUN position or turn the power supply on for bench flashing.
In the WRT software the "Tools"=>"Read ECU" menu item.
The WRT software will connect to the ECU and read the bin file from the ECU into memory.
N.B. If you are performing multiple flashes with a V1 & V2 Interface only, remember that you need to have cycled the interface into the center mode position then back to
flashing mode before attempting another write/read operation.
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Updating Firmware on Woolich Racing v3 Interfaces - Video Tutorial |
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How to Purchase Bulk Bin File Definition Keys |
Woolich Racing uses Bin File Definition Keys to license users to read/write to a specific ECU with the Woolich Racing Tuned software. These keys are typically purchased for a specific make/model/year of motorcycle and can then only be used for that specific bike.
An alternative to purchasing individual pre-allocated keys is to purchase bulk keys, which are not allocated for any specific bike model. The advantages are discounted pricing at the time of purchase as well as the flexibility to use these keys for different bikes, and to decide at a later date which make/model/year to allocate them to.
In the video below we will guide you on how to purchase and allocate bulk keys. |